2018-07-04  P7F

Flavour Symmetry at the Neutrino Oscillation Frontier

Tse-Chun Wang

Imposing non-Abelian discrete flavour symmetries to neutrino non-standard interactions (NSIs) is discussed for the first time. For definiteness, we choose A4 as the flavour symmetry, subsequently broken to the residual symmetry Z2 in the neutrino sector. We provide a general discussion on flavour structures of NSIs from higher-dimensional operators (8) without inducing unnecessary tree-level 4-charged-fermion interactions. Both A4- and Z2-motivated NSI textures are obtained. UV completions of higher-dimensional operators lead to extra experimental constraints on NSI textures. We study the implement of matter-effect NSIs in DUNE from phenomenological point of view, and discover that DUNE can test A4 with high statistics level. We also present exclusion limits of sum rules suggested by UV-complete models. DUNE has a better performance for off-diagonal elements than diagonal ones.

  Presentation Slides